Tuesday 23 November 2010

Economic Climate dictates the need for Fundraising Professionals

As financial belts tighten and spending cuts hit the public and private sector; what does, or rather, what can this mean for the third sector? 

Last year I wrote a thesis entitled:  'Out of Recession Comes Opportunity', a theory which was affirmed using budget business models as an industry example.  However, can this thesis be applied to non-profit or social enterprise organisations? 

Not in it's entirety, no.  Third sector organisations don't have unlimited resources to spend on a convoluted marketing campaign involving Lenny Henry or equivalent.  Nor is their sole aim to produce mass profit for the sake of buying a Bentley and Princess yacht.  Still, the way to tackle any economic flux is to remain prepared and fully aware of how spending cuts will affect the sector you work in which, in turn, gives an insight into how it might be used for your advantage.

'Advantage?  What advantage? Are you a loony!?' I hear you cry. Well, I might be, but that's not the point. The point is this:  If the recession and 2010 Spending Review has taken away resources from others, then there is a gap.  Fill that gap with what they need to get what you need!

Fundraising Consultancy will become even more prevalent over the next 3 years; more factions of business will cotton onto the wonders of fundraising and realise they will need a Fundraising Professional to increase the funds they lost through budget cuts.

Becoming qualified as a fundraiser has never been more important.  Consequently, having the credibility and skills set to work in such a challenging environment is essential.  You wouldn't expect to take advice from someone who didn't have a clue would you?  No!

But don't let me dictate, tell me your opinions.  How can we challenge, or change, our current circumstances to benefit us in the long run?  What can we offer our members that will ultimately increase their chances of gaining those all-important donors? Who can, or should, we develop to take on these challenging roles?

Sarah Bradley
Institute of Fundraising Academy  

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